

Insights into legal advice and representation, operational needs and sector coordination.

August 22, 2022
Data Hub
Data Hub Team
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Data Hub Team

This is the fourth bulletin of the COVID-19 Information and Data Hub which presents the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on people in the immigration system across the UK. The bulletin presents data representing 59 UK-wide organisations. 

  • Priority areas of need remain broadly consistent with those identified across the first three surveys. Food poverty​, ​isolation and loneliness​ and tech poverty have remained top needs. 
  • Of the 44 respondents who answered this question 55% reported reduced ability to access or provide legal aid funded advice and representation for asylum applications and lodging fresh asylum claims; 45% for advice on rights and options; and 41% for immigration and asylum appeals.
  • 72% of organisations (58 out of 59 respondents answered this question) have started to reopen, or are making preparations to reopen face-to-face services.
  • 72% of organisations are coordinating at a local level on responding to people with complex needs, 71% on reopening face to face services safely, 55% on preparing for increased demand, and 50% on digital/tech poverty.
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To request the raw data, please email Pascale Gayford.

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