Ebe groups setup

The EBE Groups Setup programme supports organisations to test setting up and running user groups. 

Support provided

Organisations previously involved

Cohort 1

Cohort #1 included participants from: Abigail Housing, St. Augustine's Centre,  BEACON Bradford, Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network, AVID, Southwark Refugee Community Forum, CARAS and Brushstrokes. 

Cohort 2

Cohort #2 includes participants from: Doctors of the World, Bristol Hospitality Network, Sheffield City of Sanctuary, Refugee Action, Refugee Women Connect, Bristol Refugee Rights, Helen Bamber Foundation and PAFRAS.


Since the pilot programme - lots of organisations have set up EBE groups by working through the workbook resources in their own time. You are welcome to do this and keep in touch to tell us how you get on!

Cohort thoughts

Here’s some things participants in Cohort #1 said:

“Do it and get involved! The combination of great facilitating and bringing together like minded people/organisations throughout the UK was fantastic”
“Being in the position of the participant really helped me understand what it must be like for our clients joining our groups and what a positive experience could look like”
“It was really well facilitated - one of the best bits of training I've ever done (and I feel I've done some good training in the past). Really great working with others.”


The pilot was structured and work was captured using the "Workbook", which includes activities and key tasks to set up a user group.

This is available for any organisation to use in a 'self-led' capacity.

View and use the workbook

The workbook and the worksheets are Google Docs that you will need to make a copy of before you can use. There are instructions on how to do this in the workbook.

View the workbook

In addition, there's guidance about how organisations can run effective groups with Experts by Experience. View it here.


The EBE groups pilot organisations met regularly to discuss their ideas, progress and challenges.

If you are doing this course 'self-led' we recommend you join our EBE X Coproduction Network to connect with other people doing this work. You can sign up to our Meet Up page to stay up to date and join in these and also join these conversations on our experts-by-experience Slack channel.

Get in touch

If you have a question about the Groups Pilot, please email Lora at Refugee Action. We aim to reply within one week.

Email Lora