A quick guide for charities and other organisations who support people to access Legal Aid on how to respond to the call for evidence.
This briefing summarises the remote working methods being used by immigration advice providers during the Covid pandemic.
These resource contains some things to know before asking a Legal Rep to help you.
In this resource find out more about asylum seekers permission to work.
RIT's programmes that support wellbeing and belonging.
Aims to better equip the migration and refugee sector to understand the extent and nature of the threat posed by the far right
Asylum Welcome's work with Afghan families and learnings
Identifying barriers and how to tackle them
Eligibility for asylum support for Afghan refused asylum-seekers
Refugee Council have written about barriers experienced by refugees and people seeking asylum when accessing health services.
The DWP is supporting those arriving from Afghanistan, including earlier access to benefit and employment support.
Fresh claims information and links to resources and organisations' websites.
Our handbook gives an overview of the immigration and nationality applications that Afghan citizens may be able to make.
Presents current country information on Afghanistan using national, regional and international sources.
Information page pertaining to the Afghan Crisis, refugees and people seeking asylum and others including EEA Nationals
Greater Manchester Immigration Advice Unit has set up information about Afghanistan and summarises the options for people seeking asylum.
We are currently in the process of producing a handbook; here are initial support resources focused on The Afghan Crisis.
In this E-Book find out what digital transformation means for the charity sector.
The report reiterates the need to eliminate the digital exclusion of children and young people, and sets out a 10-point action plan.
Mental health training online and face to face
Report exploring how voluntary sector CEOs can support greater workforce wellbeing
Resources to help build a supportive workplace
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing.
This guide provides a simple, practical overview of how you can assert boundaries when working form home and over the phone with clients.
This guidance is aimed at all staff involved in the support of asylum seekers in all accommodation settings.
This handbook is a collaborative space to share practical information, tools and resources for organisations working in hotels/barracks
A guide for organisations who have previously provided night shelters
The therapeutic team have adapted some of their resources for refugees to create Moments for Mindfulness, a handy self-help guide
Tips and advice for migrants' mental health and wellbeing in 27 languages
A new guide to teaching English at home.
An example risk management template for home visits, as used by Refugee Action.
An example risk management template for community work, as used by Refugee Action.
Details of Refugee Action's internal risk management approach for staff and volunteers.
Guidance for organisations supporting asylum seeking and refugee women
Helping you navigate a safe path with guidance in four Returning Safely Areas: Safe People, Workplaces, Systems and Equipment.
A webinar which provides a practical guide to how to reopen safely following the lifting of lockdown regulations.
NACCOM have compiled a list of useful resources to help you with your post-Covid-19 lockdown planning.
Training, guidance and resources to help you return safely to work.
Outlining a step-by-step process to help you review your services data.
Covid-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities.
The latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK.
This guide is aimed at all employers. It explains how you can talk to your workers about preventing coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace.
COVID-19 recovery self-assessment framework to help formulate your thoughts and capture the learning gained from the experience.
Report on racism in the charity sector and what needs to change
Recommendations to put BAME communities at the heart of civil society and looking at addressing root issues and maximise impact.
Information on protecting and supporting the workers and those who use your services during the coronavirus outbreak.
Resources and ideas to support your staff team's mental health and wellbeing
Exploring ways that charities are collaborating and finding a collaboration partner.
An equality, diversity and inclusion policy template for your workplace.
Beyond the data: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups
Guidance about coronavirus (COVID-19) for health and social care settings.
Tips to help you look after yourself during coronavirus.
Reviewing different factors have affected COVID-19 risk and outcomes.
Find out what is it like for our frontline team during these difficult times.
Liked, Longed, Lacked and Learned. Lessons from going remote.
How remote work can work for your charity.
A toolkit for sustaining work-relevant mental health.
Your rights if you refuse to work because of safety concerns over coronavirus.
Tips on remote service delivery and legal advice for clients.