Resources for asylum seekers and non-profit caseworkers to help with the new asylum questionnaires
Guidance on what to do when you receive an asylum questionnaire. Find out who can help, what the risks are and what can happen if you don't respond.
With thanks to Refugee Council for funding the translation of the FAQ.
What you can and cannot do if you are a non-profit caseworker and someone comes to you with an asylum questionnaire.
If you are an asylum guide or a volunteer working with asylum seekers you can find information on how to help your client with the streamlined asylum questionnaire by clicking on this link. It will take you to the briefing on the Asylum Guides website especially designed to enable you to assist your client.
Use this template to request an extension to the deadline to return an asylum questionnaire. Edit it as required.
Use this template to provide evidence of local legal aid capacity. Put it on headed paper, save it in a central location, update regularly and attach to the extension request.
Third Party translations of the Screening Asylum Process Questionnaire. Refugee Action cannot guarantee the accuracy of these translations and cannot accept any liability for any loss or harm arising from their use.