GM Step Change Consortium 

The Greater Manchester Step Change consortium brings together 11 asylum and refugee support organisations and an Experts by Experience group working across Greater Manchester (GM). We aim to develop a joined-up, sustainable ecosystem of support for refugees and people seeking asylum.

four focus areas

Place based support across Greater Manchester

In 8 boroughs of Greater Manchester, Step Change partners deliver in person services and other activities so that people can access support in the places where they live as well as opportunities to connect with their community. In the two boroughs (Trafford and Stockport) where we don’t have in person services, we provide an outreach model of support delivered by Step Change partners.

Specialist support across Greater Manchester

We support organisations across Greater Manchester that offer specialised services related to asylum support, housing, and immigration legal advice. As a consortium, we also work to ensure that these services are well-coordinated and easily accessible to those who need them..

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Connectedness of the sector

We work to strengthen the connectedness of the asylum and migration sector, making sure there are opportunities to share information, collaborate and collectively problem solve, share solidarity and build capacity as a sector. We also collaborate with regional strategic decision-makers and other key partners to achieve our shared goals. 

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Voice and influence

We work to have a strong, inclusive and connected voice across GM to influence decisions on asylum and migration in the region.  This collective voice works towards centering the perspectives of people who have experienced the asylum process.


Refugee Action logoManchester City of Sanctuary Logo


As a consortium we believe that people with lived experience of migration should be at the heart of service design and delivery, campaigns for change and the development of the asylum support sector.

We work closely with a group of 12 members, coordinated by MRSN to advise, steer and influence the consortium's programmatic work as well as participating in advocacy on issues to advocate on issues affecting asylum seekers and refugees across Greater Manchester.

News & Updates

EAR Updates



Partnerships Manager - Insight and Development

Leeds and Bradford with national remit


Greater Manchester Step Change Programme Coordinator



Frontline Immigration Advice Project & Step Change Administrator

Manchester with national remit

Get involved

To get involved, please email Monica, our Programme Manager.

Email Monica