Human and community CENTRED DESIGN

Practical advice and guidance for being more human and community centred in your charity, to better meet the needs of your beneficiaries.

An icon of two people talking to each other.


This practice is known as Human and Community Centred Design (HCCD), a broader approach to User Centred Design (UCD) and Design Thinking. It's about involving your beneficiaries and community throughout the design process. We have been working alongside SIDE Labs and CAST to support organisations across the sector. We've compiled case studies and resources to help you be more user-centred.


Resources and toolkits to help guide you through human and community centred design processes.

Explore programme materials

Explore was an 8-week digital exploration programme. We delivered to 12 charities from January-March 2021.

Explore materials

Get help

Here are some ways to get help doing human and community centred design. Or, get better at it yourself by learning how to do it.