STEp 6 of 6: REVIEW

Last updated: 30th June 2020, Checked: 4th Nov 2021
Diagram showing 'review' highlighted

This guidance intends to walk you through returning to deliver services safely. Please also refer to the official health and safety advice: Government guidance and Health and Safety England.

Regular reviews

Even after robust planning, it’s important to be vigilant and responsive to changing circumstances. Assess what is and isn't working so that improvements can be made.

Your risk assessments and procedures need to be living documents, but there are systems that you can put into place to make it easier.

What to do

  1. Allocate a health and safety lead
    To review processes as they happen and as a ‘go-to’ person for any immediate issues that need troubleshooting.  Ideally they wouldn’t have any other roles at the first few sessions until things are running smoothly.
  2. Monitor and record health and safety issues
    Record these in an incident book or on a spreadsheet. Your health and safety lead is ultimately responsible for ensuring this is done.
  3. Adapt procedures
    During the session if urgent, or plan changes to future sessions if less pressing. 
  4. Health and safety debriefs
    Build in time for a meeting of all staff and volunteers present at the session to review health and safety at the end of the day. Emphasise the importance of this but if anyone needs to leave early, ask them to check out with the lead person and raise any issues. Identify any urgent gaps, e.g. in equipment, information or training required.

Other regular reviews

  1. Staff and volunteer review sessions
    Use this as a chance to take a step back to review the whole set-up. Discuss what is working well and what could be improved for clients, volunteers, staff and anyone else attending the sessions. Identify ongoing gaps, for example, in equipment, training or information required.  
  2. Staff and volunteer supervision
    Gather individual feedback on health and safety. Review their personal risk assessments, relevant health and impact on their wellbeing. Have an open door policy by reminding staff to update you of any concerns or changes to their health in between sessions.
  3. Consider digital methods
    For a regular staff and volunteer survey. You can read more about these in the consultation stage.
  4. Review health and safety monitoring records
    Check procedures are being followed, for example with registration and collection of contact details for each day.
  5. Review staff and volunteer health and safety training needs at regular intervals
    Ensure you book in future sessions to respond to and anticipate needs.

Factors to consider

Prioritise and bear in mind the increased risk of COVID-19 infection for individuals who have been made more vulnerable.

Review health and safety together with the effectiveness of the changes you have made to your services as a whole. 

Experts by Experience

There are many reasons why it would be important to involve service users in your review of health and safety.  We’ve heard from our partners that many of their clients are frightened to leave the house and of the police due to COVID-19.  They may raise valuable safety issues and solutions that your team haven’t thought of. 

Involving service users can be done in many different ways. You could collect feedback from clients attending face-to-face sessions or receiving support remotely. For example, using in-depth telephone interviews, online focus groups or surveys.

Resource database

We know there's a lot of information, which can sometimes be overwhelming. Our team have compiled a library of the most important guidance and resources, only from trusted sources.

Contact and support

  1. England
  2. Wales
  3. Scotland
  4. Northern Ireland
  5. You can also contact the Health and Safety Executive


These resources are built by you, for you.
Email us if there’s anything you would like to add.

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