Revolutionising Asylum Service Coordination - Our Journey

In collaboration with Refugee Action and SIDE Labs, we launched a Design Sprint process led by our 6 members of the BRASP service coordination group.

Organisation Profile


In collaboration with Refugee Action and SIDE Labs, we launched a Design Sprint process led by our 6 members of the BRASP service coordination group to address the questions: “How might we develop a service mapping resource so that people working in asylum services can access information about services they need, when they need them?”

Challenge and Context

Across Bristol, many services listed on individual organisation’s websites are not up to date. Moreover, without knowledge of the sector it can be hard to know where to look for services or to find out what complementary services exist across different organisations. While a Google doc spreadsheet exists which shows gaps, it lacks practical access details. A translated joint services leaflet offers some information, but rapidly changing services make it outdated quickly. Our mission was clear - build a real-time, intuitive resource for BRASP partners, sector organisations, and English-speaking users.

Our Design Sprint Journey

1. Understanding and Defining Goals: Our journey began in December 2022, as we met to grasp the project’s scope and set clear objectives. We were determined - streamline access and updates, optimising guide creation and meeting efficiency.

2. User Research and Ideation: The official Design Sprint Process launched in February 2023. We explored existing platforms, collaborated extensively with BRASP partners,  and created some user stories. Idea- generation sessions transformed these into  practical solutions, enriched by our partners’ insights along the way.  

3. Design Development and Refinement: Armed with insights into services, accessibility needs and user profiles, we conceptualised potential solutions. The challenge of maintaining an updated resource was pivotal. We invested time to address this. Iterative refinement drew from diverse partner perspectives.

4. Proposal and Future Steps: In May, our journey concluded with a robust website development proposal. We are looking to engage a developer, for which funding now needs to be secured.

Challenges Faced

One key challenge was trying to decide how many organisations’ services to include in the first phase – we wanted this to be somewhat limited so that a test and review phase would be manageable, and decided initially to just include the 15 BRASP partners. However, there are many other key services provided by other organisations which we think should be included going forward. This question remains a challenge and will be explored further.

Expanding Horizons and Beyond

Though we have initially decided to begin the first phase with just the 15 BRASP partners, our vision is to include more key services from other organisations in due course. Balancing inclusivity and manageable testing remains key.


Our case study underscores collaboration and structured design thinking. Addressing fragmented asylum service information, our BRASP team established a strong foundation for enhanced coordination. As we advance, partner engagement remains crucial, ensuring our resource reshapes asylum service coordination for the better.