The Explore, Adapt, Renew Project is an ambitious programme spanning four programme areas: Shifting Power, Adapting Services, Early Action and Local Ecosystems. Read our Year 1 Learning and Impact Report
The Explore, Adapt, Renew Project is an ambitious programme spanning four programme areas: Shifting Power, Adapting Services, Early Action and Local Ecosystems. These programme areas are interconnected elements that strengthen and add value to one another to achieve the overall ambition of transforming the asylum sector in England through adaptive services underpinned by Early Action. Leading to a future where refugees, asylum seekers and migrants have a voice in the asylum system, have access to justice and successfully rebuild their lives. Committed to this vision is a refugee, asylum and migrant sector made up of sustainable, adaptable, expert organisations, and a wider community of stakeholders committed to collaboration and centring user voice.
The first year of the programme has seen the Refugee Action team and Lead Partners working together to establish the delivery teams, relationships and ways of working, the programme structure, delivery of core activities and monitoring and evaluation, whilst communicating our vision and plans.
None of this could have been achieved without the considerable time and investment dedicated by all of those involved. As such, we would like to thank The National Lottery Community Fund for their ongoing support and belief in the programme and our partners for their engagement, insights and wisdom.
Click here to read the report