This summer we asked Good Practice partners for feedback on our team’s approach, our COVID response work and the Respond and Adapt Programme. We asked organisations questions about their involvement with the team, what we do well and not so well, what we could do better and what our role in the sector could be. We are really grateful to the people who provided feedback. Here we set out what you told us and what we plan to do next.
What we wanted to know...
This summer we asked Good Practice partners for feedback on our team’s approach, our COVID response work and the Respond and Adapt Programme. We asked organisations questions about their involvement with the team, what we do well and not so well, what we could do better and what our role in the sector could be. We are really grateful to the people who provided feedback.
We had 33 replies the majority of which were from local and regional organisations and the sample engaged with different Good Practice projects. The feedback came from staff in different positions, leaders and trustees. Essentially we wanted to use the insight gained to inform our plans to support the sector. We pulled out common threads and themes and then met as a team to discuss how to get closer to our aim to strengthen the asylum and refugee sector through facilitating collaboration, innovation and insight and through supporting the development of services rooted in Early Action and access to justice.
What we do well…
People appreciated our ability to act as a connecting team which can link people across the sector together. The information and guidance we provide is also valued as is the speed at which we acted to support organisations in COVID-19. Our approach to collaboration and support provided to organisations to adapt in the light of COVID-19 were also noted.
“Offer leadership without taking over; values the skills and experiences that smaller local partners bring” Director
“Setting up networks to identify and support those working in areas where there are gaps in service provision.” Volunteer Coordinator
What we could do more of….
We learned that people would like us to provide more legal advice training, to think about regional/ local approaches, to provide concise written updates, to hold more meetings where people can share good practice, and to provide some mentoring and bespoke support to smaller organisations. People are also confused about the different roles in the team and would like us to clearly communicate our different roles and projects.
“(I) Would love to see more training, networking opportunities for existing advice workers although I think a great job is already done there. ” Projects Manager
What we will do less of…..
We learned that people would like less email communication, less jargon, and fewer long meetings. We appreciate that everyone is really busy so critical feedback is really useful.
“(It is) sometimes hard to engage with stuff, due to capacity/workload.” Director
Next steps
We have a lot of work to do. Your responses have shaped our plans for our COVID response work for the next 6 months but also the way we will work across the team.
- Opportunities to connect - We will continue to develop and co-produce meet ups and webinars where people can sign up to events to connect with others to discuss thematic areas of work. We will also pilot a refugee good practice community Slack channel where people can ask and answer questions related to thematic areas of work.
- More training and support to adapt services - we will advertise training and support opportunities through a new events page on our microsite.
- Communication - Across the team we will provide leaner communication by providing updates and opportunities through our monthly newsletter. We will add a page to our microsite to explain who we are and what we are working on.
I can’t emphasise enough how valuable it has been to receive your feedback - thank you to all those who responded in the busiest of times.