Since lockdown, we’ve spoken with 40 partners to help get an insight into the challenges facing the sector. We’ll be posting our initial findings in a separate post in the next few days.
A few weeks ago, we launched the Coronavirus Asylum Handbook. Along with over 30 contributors, we documented insights, challenges and solutions in response to Covid-19.
A big priority now is to work with partners to evolve the Handbook into a useful resource. We are working with partners to understand needs, collectively problem solve and share practical solutions with the rest of the sector, through a series of design sprints. We are looking at a new challenge area each month.
Our projects, the Frontline Immigration Advice Project, Asylum Guides and Asylum Early Action all continue and are adapting to new needs and challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the organisations that support them, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Visit the main Refugee Action website to read more about our coronavirus response.