STEp 4 of 6: TRAIN

Last updated: 30th June 2020, Checked: 4th Nov 2021
Diagram showing 'train' highlighted

This guidance intends to walk you through returning to deliver services safely for clients. Please also refer to the official health and safety advice: Government guidance and Health and Safety England.

Arrange the training sessions

What to do

  1. Decide who needs to be trained and in what order. Depending on the size of your team you might train everyone together, or just key team members who can further communicate training to their team members and volunteers. 
  2. Communicate that training is compulsory for anyone who will be working face-to-face with clients, alongside colleagues or attending the building.
  3. Set training date(s) and time(s).
  4. Communicate the arrangements for the training i.e if meeting online, instructions for joining.

Design the training sessions

What to do

Your training should include
  1. Your risk assessment, health and safety plan, procedures and roles
  2. A building tour
  3. How to use and dispose of PPE
  4. What to do in challenging situations
  5. How to raise issues (urgent & non-urgent)
  6. Interactive time to apply the learning, for discussion and questions 

Deliver the training sessions

What to do

  1. Take a register so you can cross-check that everyone who needs to complete the training has done. Record everyone’s training history. 
  2. Use smaller groups or take it in turns to discuss a range of scenarios that are likely to arise. Ask staff and volunteers to discuss what they would do and why.
  3. Create a list of clear actions and key takeaways and put on a slide, poster or checklist.
    What do you want people to do, when and how? 
  4. Provide copies of relevant documents and resources for people to take away.
  5. Ask for feedback or suggestions for improvement. Once you start delivering your services, you are likely to need shorter follow-up training sessions, see Review.

Factors to consider

Training could be combined with your verbal briefings as part of your Communications Plan.

Cover your Contingency Plans so everyone is clear about different scenarios that could arise and what would happen if the service had to close. 

Interactive training is more engaging. CAST has developed a practical guide to remote meetings that is useful for facilitating interactive training sessions. 


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