Brushstrokes: Ensuring Safe Placement for an Unaccompanied Minor

Lacking original age verification documents, the Home Office placed the client in a hotel for asylum seekers alongside adults.

Organisation Profile


In 2023, Brushstrokes encountered a challenging case involving a 17-year-old unaccompanied minor from Libya who arrived in the UK. Lacking original age verification documents, the Home Office placed the client in a hotel for asylum seekers alongside adults. This situation was unsettling for the client, who expressed discomfort sharing accommodation with adults and a strong desire to be in an environment with fellow young people.

Client-Centreed Action

Brushstrokes promptly engaged with the client, initiating an initial meeting and securely recording the client’s ARC card identification. Recognizing the need for specialised support, Brushstrokes reached out to Sandwell Children Services for guidance. Upon their recommendation, a thorough referral form was meticulously completed, ensuring the client’s informed consent. Subsequently, a dedicated Social Worker from Children’s Services visited the hotel to conduct an age assessment, relying on the information provided in the referral.  

A Positive Outcome

The age assessment conducted by Social Services concluded that the client was indeed under 18. Consequently, the existing accommodation, unsuitable for minors, was replaced. The client was relocated to a small shared house, joining three other occupants, all under the age of 18. This transition ensured a safer and more age-appropriate environment for the client. Moreover, the client received essential support to facilitate their enrollment in college and registration for primary healthcare services.

Client’s Gratitude

The client’s heartfelt quote speaks volumes about the positive impact of Brushstrokes’ intervention: “Thank you, Brushstrokes, for helping me. I now feel comfortable in my new home.”


This case underscores the importance of client-centred care and the commitment of Organisations like Brushstrokes in ensuring the safety and well-being of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the UK.