Empowerment through Engagement: The Journey of Judell

Judell, an individual with lived experience, initially joined our Experts by Experience (EBE) team with a reserved demeanour.

Organisation Profile


Judell, an individual with lived experience, initially joined our Experts by Experience (EBE) team with a reserved demeanour. However, her transformation over time has been remarkable, largely attributed to her participation in various EBE activities, including Zumba, Yoga, and face-to-face social meetings.

Building Confidence and Leadership

As Judell’s self-confidence grew, she became an inspiration to those around her. Recognising her potential, we approached Judell to become a facilitator for our EBE/Advocacy training, to which she agreed.

Expanding Horizons: From Peer Researcher to Decision Maker

Judell’s own journey continued as she underwent training as a peer researcher and embraced her role as a creative influencer. She not only became an active participant in decision-making processes within our organisation but also joined local authority discussions.

Overcoming Challenges

The recruitment of new EbE members often  presents challenges and can be time- consuming. In this context, Judell’s impact  cannot be overstated. Her ability to connect with and encourage other women through sharing her personal experiences has proven invaluable in attracting new members to our program.  Dispersal of women from the area during their engagement with us also poses challenges. Additionally, the outcomes of their legal cases can affect their involvement, making it difficult for them to complete training or engage in volunteering activities. Our recommendation is to embrace an open, flexible approach and plan short, engaging activities that can foster  meaningful connections. Prioritising a person- centred approach and creating an open  system for EbEs to rejoin activities at any time in the future can help address challenges that arise due to these external factors.

Inspiring Change, One Journey at a Time

Judell’s journey stands as a testament to the power of engagement, empowerment, and transformation. Her story underscores the potential for growth and leadership by working closely with members with lived experience, highlighting the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all.