SDCAS: Strengthening Hotel Accommodation Safeguarding

This case study sheds light on our collaborative efforts and workshops that are paving the way for enhanced safety and partnerships.

Organisation Profile


In our pursuit of creating a secure environment for hotel residents, we have been working closely on two fronts - addressing safeguarding issues within the hotel setting and establishing stronger partnerships with hotel providers. This case study sheds light on our collaborative efforts and workshops that are paving the way for enhanced safety and partnerships.

Enhancing Awareness through Workshops

Three workshops were organised at our own centres, primarily for families residing in hotel accommodation. The sessions offered a chance for residents to raise and address their safeguarding concerns, as well as for our Safeguarding Lead and Children and Families worker to point out key issues.

Addressing Crucial Concerns

Previously, we identified concerns linked to grooming, online threats, exploitation, and the ability of asylum seekers to recognise and manage risks. The workshops provided a platform for open dialogue, allowing participants to share their concerns and fears. Practical steps to report issues were discussed, addressing cultural norms and differences that might be perceived as dangerous in the UK.  

Positive Outcomes and Ongoing Efforts

This initiative has unfolded smoothly, without any major challenges. It is, however, a continuous effort aimed at fostering a supportive environment. By opening communication channels, we are establishing connections with agencies capable of providing crucial support to residents.

Professional Development and Collaborative Progress

To further reinforce the initiative, we attended a safeguarding workshop for professionals. This equipped us with a greater understanding of the reporting pathways specifically tailored for individuals in temporary accommodation. Our ongoing commitment to reducing risks for hotel residents is a testament to our dedication to their safety and well-being.


Through workshops, partnerships, and ongoing engagement, we are empowering hotel residents with the tools they need to navigate their surroundings safely. This case study underscores our commitment to creating secure environments while fostering collaborative relationships for the betterment of asylum seekers within hotel accommodations.